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1 mr.fusion  Jun 28, 2011 10:22:21am

Thought for sure this was going to be about James O’Keefe

2 Buck  Jun 28, 2011 11:00:22am

Ya, I think that is Medea Benjamin. I am pretty sure. This is not just an activist.

She is a leader in the far left community. She has been active in politics for over 30 years.

San Francisco Magazine included her on its “power list” of the “60 Players Who Rule the Bay Area.”

She supports Hugo Chavez and the Castro Brothers.
I could go on for pages, but I hope you get the point. She is not just an activist.

3 Decatur Deb  Jun 28, 2011 11:10:41am

re: #2 Buck

Ya, I think that is Medea Benjamin. I am pretty sure. This is not just an activist.

She is a leader in the far left community. She has been active in politics for over 30 years.

San Francisco Magazine included her on its “power list” of the “60 Players Who Rule the Bay Area.”

She supports Hugo Chavez and the Castro Brothers.
I could go on for pages, but I hope you get the point. She is not just an activist.

San Francisco—12 years ago. Shall we assign each other’s community leaders?

4 Buck  Jun 28, 2011 12:46:55pm

re: #3 Decatur Deb

San Francisco—12 years ago. Shall we assign each other’s community leaders?

You don’t believe she is a community leader? You don’t believe she has a large constituency in San Francisco?

As a co-founder of CODE PINK, I believe she still has many people supporting her, and is still a leader in her community.

In 2009 she marched with Hamas to force Egypt to open the border.

Now she is supporting the new flotilla to Gaza.

This is not just an activist. She is siding with terrorists and endangering the lives of Israelis.

5 Decatur Deb  Jun 28, 2011 12:51:41pm

re: #4 Buck

You don’t believe she is a community leader? You don’t believe she has a large constituency in San Francisco?

As a co-founder of CODE PINK, I believe she still has many people supporting her, and is still a leader in her community.

In 2009 she marched with Hamas to force Egypt to open the border.

Now she is supporting the new flotilla to Gaza.

This is not just an activist. She is siding with terrorists and endangering the lives of Israelis.

She’s a nutcase, and she has no influence on liberal policies. “Her community” couldn’t get a dogcatcher elected. Please list her constituency’s accomplishments, preferably those in this millenium.

6 Buck  Jun 28, 2011 1:08:28pm

Don’t misunderstand, I know that know that she is no longer useful to attack republicans and Bush. And that many would like to throw her in the trash. It was fun to see her attacking Bush and Chaney. It must be embarrassing to many that she is still around and still protesting against war which is now a Obama and Biden production.

However now she has pivoted and is taking the side of Hamas against Israel so she will regain a lot of the anti zionist/AIPAC support found on the left.

For example, will Huffington Post denounce her? DKOS?

7 Decatur Deb  Jun 28, 2011 1:22:36pm

re: #6 Buck

Don’t misunderstand, I know that know that she is no longer useful to attack republicans and Bush. And that many would like to throw her in the trash. It was fun to see her attacking Bush and Chaney. It must be embarrassing to many that she is still around and still protesting against war which is now a Obama and Biden production.

However now she has pivoted and is taking the side of Hamas against Israel so she will regain a lot of the anti zionist/AIPAC support found on the left.

For example, will Huffington Post denounce her? DKOS?

Huffington employed Breitbart until recently, I don’t think they’re in the denouncing business. Kos is too incoherent to define anything like the mainstream left—they’re basically just pro-Dem.

8 Buck  Jun 28, 2011 1:34:35pm

re: #7 Decatur Deb

Huffington employed Breitbart until recently, I don’t think they’re in the denouncing business. Kos is too incoherent to define anything like the mainstream left—they’re basically just pro-Dem.

I don’t think they employed him, but he was a writer there. They certainly denounced Breitbart, and for a lot less than this woman is doing.

9 Decatur Deb  Jun 28, 2011 1:37:06pm

That’s a fairly bland denouncement. Mainly they just told him to take a hike. They neither they nor Kos have Medea B on staff, it that’s the criterion.

10 Decatur Deb  Jun 28, 2011 1:39:32pm

re: #9 Decatur Deb

AAKKk. Typing—

“Neither they nor…”, “if that’s”…

11 Buck  Jun 28, 2011 1:43:58pm

Massachusetts senior U.S. Senator John Kerry provided a letter on Senate stationery that supported constituents who participated in last December’s anti-Israel, pro-Hamas Gaza Freedom March, led by….

you guessed it, Medea Benjamin and CODEPINK.

U.S. Representative André Carson (D) for Indiana’s 7th Congressional District also provided a letter that supported last December’s anti-Israel, pro-Hamas Gaza Freedom March, led by….

you guessed it, Medea Benjamin and CODEPINK..

My point is that this is not some no name activist.

12 Decatur Deb  Jun 28, 2011 1:46:28pm

re: #11 Buck


December 31, 2009: Code Pink was one of the organizers of the Gaza Freedom March on December 31, 2009 which brought over 1,300 people from more than 43 countries to join the Palestinians of Gaza in a non-violent, mass march to the Israeli border.[24]

13 Buck  Jun 28, 2011 2:01:05pm

Kerry and Carson didn’t write their letters for the “43 other countries”.

I am not saying that CODEPINK is the biggest and the most influential, but they did a lot during the 2008 Presidential election. Raised a lot of money and influenced a lot of votes. I understand why you would want to put some distance between them and the Democratic party as she descends further into the anti-zionist/anti-Israel pro-terror world.

Again, my point is that she is not just some nameless activist. She, and her group are serious players.

14 Decatur Deb  Jun 28, 2011 2:07:37pm

re: #13 Buck

Kerry and Carson didn’t write their letters for the “43 other countries”.

I am not saying that CODEPINK is the biggest and the most influential, but they did a lot during the 2008 Presidential election. Raised a lot of money and influenced a lot of votes. I understand why you would want to put some distance between them and the Democratic party as she descends further into the anti-zionist/anti-Israel pro-terror world.

Again, my point is that she is not just some nameless activist. She, and her group are serious players.

If they were serious players we wouldn’t be engaged in three wars. They’re a hapless joke. It might seem dismissive, but Israel’s internal politics, both pro and con, don’t take up much more than a 10th of the American Left’s attention. (I’m sensitive to it only because I lived there and have family ties.) We have a lot more at stake here at home, trying to keep the TPGOP from throwing us back to 1900.

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